Monday, June 10, 2013

One Day, You WILL Come Find Me, and I will Be an Orphan No More. That Day is HERE!!!

Through many ups and downs, changes in direction, faith-testing walks for our whole family and so many tears of both sadness, fear and joy, these last 2 years are going to bear so much fruit for a little orphan boy named Ashagre and our family of 5 that have the humble priviledge of calling him ours!!!!!!! We get to see our son in less than a week. Oh my WORD :) AHHHHHHHH!

Early on in our adoption process, I found this "prayer" on-line. It brings me to tears every time I read it and think about all the little children all over this great, big world, praying these words and willing them to be truth... an estimated 147 million children worldwide. Open your heart, and read this....

An Orphan's Prayer...

I am waiting...somewhere...far...far... away, on the other side of the world. I may not know who you are or what you look like, but somehow, deep in my heart, I know that you are out there. One day, you will come find me. It's a long journey, and it takes a lot of time... I wish it could be easier. But I know that the ones who come for me will not count the cost. They will only see the joy of finding me. For now, I abide in the fields of the fatherless. Day by day wondering why I was born here and not somewhere else. Asking... why couldn't my life have been different.

It is so lonely... even though I am surrounded by many other children. I know something is missing... I know in my heart I need a place to call home. My arms long to be wrapped in a father's embrace... I long to be saved by a mother's love.

Gazing out the orphanage window, I offer up a prayer of hope, "Oh, God, please help them to come quickly." Even as I lay there in the darkenss each night, somehow I feel assured, that no matter how lost I appear, I am not alone."

"Holy hands guard my steps, sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching my lonely heart. The one who made me, the God that knew me before I was born, hear me every time I call." He whispers His promises in my ear. I listen with hope to His voice.

But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me. The fields are vast and there are so many of us scattered all over the earth. I wonder how one little child, so lost can be found?

Yet, He calms my heart and assures me that He will find you! That He will make sure that you hear His voice clearly. He has promised me that He will make a way through the fields. That He will personally cut a path for you and lead you right to my orphanage door.

My prayer is...when He speaks...please don't forget to listen... When He calls, don't be too afraid to go. For I am waiting somewhere far... far... away, on the other side of the world. TO COME HOME!

And... just like that... He found us... Just like that, our path has been cut... Just like that, Asher, once waiting and in need of a family... is now an orphan NO MORE!!!!! June 19, he will legally be ours. We won't and can't count the cost, because I know on that day, God WILL only show us the JOY :)

Please pray for my husband and I as we make the journey to Asher - for safety and that our hearts would be open for the Holy spirit to work, as we connect for the first time. I know we will glimpse Jesus in that face. We are all ready so in love! Please pray for our kiddos in our absence and for family that is managing tournament baseball schedules, soccer try-outs and just the plain busyness that comes with having 3 amazing sons :) Thank you so much!
